Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) affects kidneys and other organs of the body. In this disorder, there is the formation of fluid-like sacs on the organs of your body. These sacs are called cysts and can develop on any organ of your body, but it occurs especially on your kidneys. These cysts can interfere in the ability to perform natural functions of the host organ.
These cysts can grow on any organ of your body and can develop larger. These cysts usually are filled with fluid and can lead to the failure of your kidneys. Cysts in this disorder may also develop on the other organ of your body, particularly on your liver. Two primary forms of a polycystic kidney disorder are classified based on the age of onset and the pattern in which it is passed through the families. The types of PKD are Autosomal dominant form (ADPKD) and Autosomal recessive form of polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD). We will tell you more about these further in this article. The treatment of both the type of PKD is possible by polycystic kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment.
Types of PKD
There are two types of PKD, and each type has its indications and causes. Types of polycystic kidney disorder are:
Autosomal dominant PKD – This type is also known as the adult PKD. Approximately 90 percent of PKD patients are experiencing this disorder. If anyone in your family is suffering from this disorder, then there are 50 percent chances that you may have this dysfunction.
Symptoms of this disorder develop later in life, most probably between the age of 30 and 40. In rare cases, the symptoms may be experienced in childhood, but they aren’t able to understand the exact cause of this disorder.
Autosomal recessive PKD – This disorder is a less common type of PKD than ADPKD. It is also a genetic disorder, but in this disorder, both parents must have to carry the PKD gene for getting this disorder.
If the individuals have only one gene in this disorder, then they don’t have any symptoms. There are four types of ARPKD:
• Perinatal form – That is present at the time of birth.
• Neonatal form – This may occur within the first or in the initial months of life.
• Infantile form – This form may occur when the child is 3 to 12 months old.
• Juvenile form – It usually occurs when the child is one year old.
There is no permanent cure for this disorder in allopathy, but polycystic kidney disease. Ayurvedic treatment can eliminate the root cause of this disorder from its roots.
Treatment for PKD
The initial goal of this treatment is to manage the symptoms and avoid complications caused by this disorder. Controlling your high blood pressure is one of the essential steps for the treatment of this disorder. Your doctor may suggest some medicines or healthy tips to control the causes of this disorder, but can’t eliminate the root cause of this disorder. Some of the medicines are:
• Pain killers like ibuprofen It must not be recommended for kidney patients because it can worsen your kidneys and can develop kidney disorders.
• Blood pressure medicines because blood pressure is one of the main reason for having renal disorder
• Some antibiotics to treat UTIs
• They may recommend you to consume low sodium diet
• They may also suggest some surgery to drain the fluid from the cysts.
If the PKD advances, that may cause renal failure, then dialysis or renal transplant required to treat your kidneys. But polycystic kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment is the most reliable way to remove cysts from your kidneys without any side-effect on any organ of your body.
Kidney Expert is well known for providing polycystic kidney disease Ayurvedic treatment that can help your kidneys to improve their health condition.