Creatinine is one of the waste compounds found in the blood and urine. It is developed by the metabolic activities of the human bodies. The creatinine level helps in determining the condition of the kidneys. If the creatinine level is high, then this means the kidney’s functioning is being obstructed. In such a situation, it becomes essential to know what treatment a person should take. Today, we will talk about the Ayurvedic treatment for Creatinine. Why it is beneficial for the kidneys and why one should consider only the Ayurvedic treatment. 

The normal range of creatinine should be as follows:

In Blood:

• Man:  0.6 to 1.2 mg/Dl
• Woman: 0.5 to 1.1 mg/Dl
• Teenager: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/Dl
• Child: 0.3 to 0.7 mg/Dl

In Urine:

• Man: 107 to 139 mL/min
• Woman: 87 to 107 mL/min

You can observe the difference between the normal range of creatinine levels in men and women. The reason behind this fact is men have more muscles comparatively. The movement and activities are the reasons behind the range of creatinine levels. 

It is a type of disorder that obstructs the functioning of kidneys along with the other organs working for the wellbeing of the human body. If the situation worsens, it may lead to harmful levels; such as the need for dialysis and renal transplants.

If you want to avoid these treatment methods, then you should choose Ayurvedic treatment for Creatinine. It is harmless and will give you guaranteed results. It is 100% natural. 

We believe that the best treatments come from the earth and not from the chemical labs. Allopathic treatment is one such method that includes chemically made or human-made medicines. These medicines leave side effects and a loop for other diseases associated with kidney diseases.

There are causes and symptoms included in high creatinine levels. Let us give you a short tour below.

What are the causes that lead to a high creatinine level?

Following are the critical factors of causing the increased creatinine level:

• Chronic Kidney Disease:  Chronic Kidney disease (CKD) is long-lasting kidney damage that can get worse with growing time if not curbed at the right time. It can also be an obstacle to lowering the creatinine level.
• Kidney Obstruction:  When the urine cannot pass through the uterus; it starts making space in the kidneys which obstructs the functioning of kidneys. The kidneys function is to filter the waste & balance the fluids, but when urine starts to make space for itself in the kidney, it obstructs the kidney’s functioning; hence, the creatinine level increases.
• Dehydration: Severe dehydration leads to a decreased amount of fluids in the body, which increases the chances of high levels of Creatinine.
• Intense Exercise:  More vigorous exercise is merrier the chances of getting a higher creatinine level. As there will be a force on your internal organs, and if the intake of liquid is not sufficient, then it will increase the chance of getting a higher creatinine level. 
• Pharmaceutical Medications: There is a storm of Allopathic medications popular among the millennials. That is why the number of patients for kidney diseases has increased. Allopathic medicines are made in laboratories with chemicals. These chemical medications adversely impact on the functioning of kidneys.
• Inheritance: There are chances that you may have inherited kidney diseases, and maybe that is why the creatinine levels are increasing.

Symptoms of High Creatinine Level:

• Fatigue: Fatigue is a natural feeling of tiredness and non-energetic behavior. Due to high creatinine levels, a patient may feel sleepy all the time. 
• Thirsty all the time: It is a condition of dehydration. Even if you are consuming a high amount of water but still thirsty, then you should consider having a chat with your doctor.
• Alzheimer: The feeling of confusion and lost all the time, no matter how hard you try to remember and concentrate. It is a severe condition where you should be rushing to the doctor for a procure treatment.
• Dry skin: If your body is dehydrated, then your skin will lose the ability to stay hydrated, and it will turn into dull, dry, and itchy skin.
• Nausea:  Feeling tired, sick, dizzy, fainting, and low blood sugar level.
• Vomiting: Frequent vomits.
• Edema: Edema is the situation of swelling in hands and feet. You will start to notice the painful increased size of hands and feet.
• High blood pressure: It is the most common symptom in all kidney diseases. 
• Decreased output of urine: Obstructions in the uterus block the passage for the urine to pass out.
• Loss of appetite: You can spend days and months without food. You will lose the will to eat food.

Now let us talk about the treatment available for Creatinine; there are two types of procedures to cure the problem of creatinine levels:

• Allopathic Treatment and
• Ayurvedic treatment for Creatinine.

Allopathic treatment is an unnatural way of harming the kidneys and other organs. Everybody is using this type of therapy with pleasure as it gives a swift relief to the pain caused by diseases. But what they forget to think about is this medicine affects the functioning of the body. The chemical used in the making of such medicines leaves the loops for other diseases. However, Ayurvedic treatment is the treatment that works on the root cause of the illnesses; once treated, you will not have to take the same treatment ever again for the same reason. It is a boon for the kidney patients as Ayurvedic treatment doesn’t ask you for the machinery methods and chemical methods. In this treatment, nature’s gifts are used for prevention. 

Natural herbs and spices are used as medicines with minute changes in the diet and lifestyle. So, if you are looking for a soothing touch and a natural way to live a stress-free life; head over to Karma Ayurveda now.