Everyone knows the significance of protein in the building of the body. But taking too much protein during kidney disease can create a problematic situation for your body. Consuming excessive protein can harm your kidneys.

Kidney disease is a silent disease that is not recognized easily in the beginning. Therefore don’t take too much protein if you are suspected of the kidney disorder. Several people ignore it and may face severe kidney disorder. If you consume in excess amount, then you may face protein in the urine.

How much protein is safe for kidney patients?

Protein is essential for maintaining and repairing tissue of the human body. It also helps your body in fighting from infections and heals wounds. If you are experiencing chronic kidney disease and not having dialysis, then you should consume protein in a limited amount (20.8gm/kg of body weight). If you modify your diet and taking Proteinuria treatment, you can prevent your kidneys from declining the kidney function and also reduce the risk of having a kidney transplant.

If you avoid protein for a long time, then it may increase the risk of having malnutrition. Chronic kidney disease patients usually have a poor appetite that can lead to malnutrition in patients, weight loss, decreased immunity, and there may be the chance of having a lack of energy in your body. Some food products are high in protein values such as animal meat (poultry and fish). CKD patients have to avoid some high protein food such as –

• Meat - Beef, chicken, lamb, pork, bacon, etc.
• Fatty Fish - Salmon, tuna, etc.
• Dairy products - yogurt, butter, cheese, etc.
• Vegetables - Spinach, bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, etc.

Some protein supplements and medicines are usually used for muscle development. If possible, they should be avoided and consumed after taking advice from a specialized doctor or a dietician, but once the patient goes on dialysis, the protein Consumption increases by 1.0-1.2 grams per day because at that time, your body needs protein to perform some of the essential functions. You can also opt Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment in place of dialysis that is a hundred percent safe and disease-free.

What are the good sources of having protein?

Protein is naturally found in milk, egg white, cheese, yogurt, lentils, rice, peas, sprouts, and many more. If you are health conscious and working on your fitness, then you can add these items to your diet. Try to avoid protein supplements because it can affect your kidneys. Many doctors usually recommend you to take these supplements in a limited amount, but it should be avoided altogether.

What happens with your body if there is a presence of more protein than usual?

When protein enters our body as a diet, our kidneys separate it and break it down for your body. If you take too much protein, the kidney has to work more. Excessive protein intake can many kidney problems and also leak protein in the urine.

The following are the causes due to which protein increases in your urine.

• Tension
• Dehydration
• Fever and fatigue
• Exposure at extremely low temperatures
• Exercise

Why is excess protein harmful to your kidneys?

Protein is essential for your body and its natural functions. But consuming protein in excess amount is not at all beneficial for your kidneys. Some people may ignore the natural source of having protein and also depend upon some protein medicines to consume protein.
If you are consuming protein, then you have to consult from your doctor about the precautions while consuming protein-rich food items. Some people consider it a myth that protein can cause serious complications, but they are wrong.

What is the relationship between excess protein and kidney disease?

When your kidneys begin to deteriorate, then it means that protein is going to leak in excess amount in your urine. Few people are aware of the chronic kidney disease and its symptoms. For the unveiling of this health condition, you have to identify the symptoms of kidneys disease. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure, or are over 60 years of age, you may be at higher risk of having kidney disease. It is vital for you to have a checkup every year to know the exact condition of your kidneys.

Following are the symptoms of having kidney disease:

• Feeling cold even in hot weather
• Poor appetite
• Swollen hands and feet
• Fatigue and weakness
• Excess of protein in the urine
• Burning while urinating
• High blood pressure
• Skin rashes and itching

Ayurvedic Treatment for protein in the urine

Ayurveda always recommends following a proper diet chart and yoga along with Ayurvedic medicines. Many herbs can treat your kidneys, such as:

• Punarnava
• Shirish
• Bunion
• Palash
• Chandraprabha Vati
• Triphala
• Varun
• Turmeric
• Ginger
• Cinnamon

For more details, you can contact Kidney Expert.