Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms stating the kidney function to be abnormally resulting in the loss of protein from the blood. It is the kidneys held responsible for binding the protein in the blood while removing the excess of fluids and other waste substances. The kidneys remove the toxins and seeping that waste along with the urine.
During nephrotic syndrome, you will also notice the following conditions developing in the body:
Proteinuria: When you have too much protein in the urine
Hypoalbuminemia: A Low level of protein in the blood
Edema: Swelling in the facial areas or around ankles and legs
At the time of nephrotic syndrome, the blood also has a high amount of fat and cholesterol
There are various ways to cure the nephrotic syndrome, but the most reliable treatment approach lies in Ayurvedic science. Ayurvedic herbs tend to overcome the signs and symptoms that appear along with the disease while working on the actual root cause of the problem.
What are the tell-tale signs of nephrotic syndrome?
The signs and symptoms that may appear at the time of nephrotic syndrome:
• Severe swelling, particularly around the eyes, facial areas, and in the lower body such as ankles and feet
• Foamy urine or cloudy urine which may be caused by excess protein in your urine
• Weight gain due to excess fluid retention
• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
What are the possible causes of nephrotic syndrome?
Many conditions interfere with the working of the kidneys; these may include:
• Diabetic kidney disease
• Minimal change disease
• Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
• Membranous nephropathy
• Systemic lupus erythematosus
• Amyloidosis
• High blood pressure
• Several infections in the body
• Too much reliance on antibiotics
• Autoimmune system disorders
• A blood clot in a kidney vein
What are the ways through which you can diagnose nephrotic syndrome?
Tests and procedures which help diagnose nephrotic syndrome include:
Urine tests: A lab technician or the doctor examines the urine for any abnormality. This may involve 24-hour urinalysis or dipstick test to check for the protein or red blood cells in the urine.
Blood tests: A blood may have a low amount of albumin, called Hypoalbuminemia. The body needs albumin, but the patients of nephrotic syndrome lose protein when they have the condition. The blood may also have high levels of cholesterol and blood triglycerides in it.
A kidney biopsy: It is a kind of test done by extracting tissue from the kidney to know the underlying cause of the kidney disease if the tests mentioned above confirm nephrotic syndrome.
What is the best treatment for nephrotic syndrome?
The treatment of nephrotic syndrome Ayurvedic treatment involves taking the help of Ayurvedic herbs to cure the underlying causes of the kidney problem. The herbs like Punarnava, Shirish, Kaasni, and many more tend to influence the working of the glomeruli (s). One of the primary causes of nephrotic syndrome is the inflammation of the glomeruli, which gets improved through ayurvedic medications.
Along with ayurvedic medications, there are some dietary and lifestyle changes; the best ayurvedic specialist would suggest you prevent the kidneys from getting burdened.
The medications might include:
1. Medications to control blood pressure. High blood pressure is the main factor affecting the kidney’s filters. If your blood pressure is quite high, the ayurvedic doctor will prescribe you the medications to regulate the level.
2. Cholesterol-reducing medications. The fat and cholesterol clog in the blood will also affect your kidneys and heart function. To make sure you don’t have fat build up in the bloodstream, avoid saturated and trans fat.
3. Diuretics: Water is a natural diuretic that may help remove swelling from the body.
4. Balancing Pitta Dosha: According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas in the human body, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Nephrotic syndrome is caused by the variations in the Pitta balance and the ayurvedic medications tend to normalize the Pitta dosha.
Thus, it can be concluded that Ayurveda is far the best choice for treating nephrotic syndrome without involving any surgery. Ayurvedic healing tends to be useful for chronic diseases like nephrotic syndrome.
Dietary modifications
As a kidney patient, you should keep an eye on the following aspects of the diet:
• Take the correct amount of protein
• Avoid saturated fats and trans fats. Fried foods, ice cream, fatty meats, etc., all contribute to such foods.
• Limit the intake of sodium. Restrict it to 2100 gm per day as it can raise patients’ blood pressure and aggravate their swelling
• Consume more foods that are high in vitamin and soluble fiber. Eat fruits such as apples, citrus fruits and strawberries, and vegetables, like carrots and celery, can help the body to rid itself of cholesterol and protect kidney function.
• Monitor your fluid intake, which includes all fluids and foods that are liquid at room temperature.